People first
Our top priority while recruiting and operating is the quality of the people that make Speedb. We make it a priority to truly see and hear our employees.
We appreciate independent thinking. Bring yourself, your values, and your insights to the table. We believe in your skill and ability to research and develop creative solutions.
We believe in working in an environment that best suites you—whether that’s in the office or at home, with flexible working hours.
At Speedb, you will have the opportunity to work alongside and learn from top experts. We want you to always challenge conceptions and voice your opinions.
We are passionate about our new, data infrastructure, and we want you to be too. The amazing response from the market so far shows we are on the right track.
Working at Speedb you will have visibility to equity, budget, investors, and customers. You will always know where we stand and where we are going, together.